Executive Dashboards/Key Performance Indicators
As the owner of a small or medium-sized business, how do you know what key financial and operational information you should be paying attention to? How do you know when and how to react to it?
Do you manage your business by the age old method of whether or not you have more or less money in the bank than you had last month? Do you only look at financial statements for last month (often three weeks or more into the new month)? This is a lot like driving a car by only looking in the rear view mirror. How do you know where you are going? How do you know when to change course or take corrective action?
At Smart State, we can help you determine your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and to develop an executive dashboard. Our color-coded system allows you to know the state of your business in one glance; not just where you have been, but where you are going.
We will then work with you to understand when and how to react to the various conditions that may arise, often before an issue becomes a problem.